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Next Economy MBA Cohort V: Meet the Instructors & Interactive Q&A!

Next Economy MBA Cohort IV: Meet the Instructors & Interactive Q&A!

In these times of fire, flood and virus, the business as usual economy is breaking down while possible pathways forward to an economy that truly works for the benefit of all life become more visble. The COVID 19 pandemic has created tremendous uncertainty and laid bare the brutality of white supremacist, corporate capitalism. LIFT Economy's flagship offering - The Next Economy MBA is designed to be a collective learning experience and support toolkit for us all to take action and enhance our beneficial impact while transforming the economy. Due to the implosion of the mainstream economy we are aware that some people are in a place of spacious time and learning and others are triaging personal, family and community needs. We value accessibility and present this free introduction to share information about the training opportunity we offer. If at any time you feel that you are interested in this program, but find tuition and participation inaccessible, especially due to the stressors of this moment, please reach out to the LIFT team for a conversation. Our intention is to grow the existing community of Next Economy advocates while curating a valuable, life-affirming learning experience.

If you have aspirations and dreams for changing the world through enterprise and organizing how we meet our needs or if you have a friend/family member wanting to align their work or money with their values, then please join this FREE video webinar with the LIFT Economy team to answer all your questions about our upcoming Cohort V of our Next Economy MBA program (starts September 22, 2020). So far - nearly 175 people have gone through or are enrolled in the Next Economy MBA program - building the pool of visionaries who are boldly and radically redefining the way our economy works.

Entrepreneurs and aspiring entrepreneurs often want knowledge about the fundamentals of business, but the content taught in the vast majority of MBA programs is based on outdated principles that were developed during the industrial revolution and oriented toward the outcome of producing functional mid-level managers of large multinational corporations. MBA programs are also incredibly expensive, costing roughly $100k-$150k for a two-year degree. This ultimately exacerbates the cycle of wealth extraction and forces aspiring entrepreneurs to become reliant on high-salary positions to pay down their debt.

The LIFT team has spent 10+ years working with more than 200 social enterprises, co-ops and collectives that are building the Next Economy. We have identified patterns that we feel that every entrepreneur should know in order to be prepared for the future of business.

What is the Next Economy? Cumulatively, the LIFT team has decades of experience bringing innovative ideas from idea-stage into action in the next economy. We'll discuss our observations of the principles entailed in operating Next Economy enterprises and how you can be a part of this emergence.

What will I learn? During this call we will answer your questions about the Next Economy MBA and cover a summary the core concepts we will cover in the training. We will share an example of one of the key organization templates we use in the training and offer that to you free.

Are you dissatisfied with your existing career or seeking pathways to do more? We'll walk you through the options from career-shifting to working within the belly of the existing corporate structures to effect radical transformation and channel resources towards the next economy.

LIFT Economy's Next Economy MBA is a nine-month online learning course for entrepreneurs and aspiring entrepreneurs who want to learn key business fundamentals (e.g., vision, culture, strategy, and operations) from a regenerative, Next Economy perspective. Registration is open now and a 20% early bird registration discount is available until August 22, 2020.