LIFT Economy

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Parker Reposa

Parker is an eco-entrepreneur focused on regenerative and socially restorative solutions to the current environmental crisis. Parker studied Regenerative Business and Biomimetic Design at NYU’s Gallatin School of Individualized Study in New York City. His studies allowed him to use mission-driven, stakeholder-focused business as a vehicle for positive social and environmental change.

Parker is now the CEO and Founder of Grounded Upcycling, a social venture geared towards recirculating spent organic waste streams through the development of upcycled products and processing methods. Through his work, he aims to reframe society’s “throw away culture” by presenting the business case of circular, close-loop economies and help transition New York City and other cities towards its zero waste goals by 2030. While he wears many hats at Grounded, his main responsibilities include business development, fundraising, and strategy as it pertains to the mission, vision, and culture of the company.