LIFT Economy

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Adrian Roman

Inspired these days by Adrienne Marie Brown, Tarthang Tulku, Frédéric Laloux, Lama Rod Owens, Angel Kyodo Williams, Lift. I am working for a non profit in Berkeley, Mangalam, and my focus is on - how to integrate or use Buddhist practices in a modern world; how to structure an organization in a way that is supportive for personal growth and meaning to the members; how to blur the lines between life and work; how to foster relationships and facilitate groups with emergence in mind. I am a 27 year old hispanic male who graduated with a degree in philosophy and business. I have a partner, Cyn, and twin sister, Anais, who I spend much of my time with. This past weekend I went to see Vulfpeck at the Greek theater and went hiking in Mt. Tam to West Point in to eat pancakes.

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