LIFT Economy

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Steve McCoy

Hi! I am from Malaysia by birth and current address, and am a Social 5 wing 4 by. personality (Enneagram) 🤪 ! I spent the majority of my formative adult years (30 of them) in Europe (mainly in the UK, but I also worked for 8 years in Poland). I came back to this part of the world to help found a natural disaster relief non-profit following the 2004 Asian Tsunami. In the early days, we a lot of help from friends in LA, and later also helped us with our Katrina project in Mississippi! As my thinking shifted from natural disaster recovery to addressing natural disaster vulnerability and risk factors (ie my journey into sustainability consulting), I found that my core influences were coming mainly from the Pacific Northwest (Cascadia…?!!), rather than from Europe which would have been my natural inclination had it not been for these high profile natural disasters! I've been a member of the ISSP (International Society for Sustainability Professionals, based in Oregon) since its beginning and have been an ambassador for the Living Future Institute's LBC programme. I am Dad to a wonderful 14 year old human child and 6 of the fur variety (3 dogs 3 cats).