LIFT Economy

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Emily Rose

After earning her B.A in Global Studies with a minor in Business Management, Emily Rose is the Advancement Associate at Grassroots International. During her undergraduate studies and beyond she has worked in government administration, scholarly research, and community engagement and development. She is very passionate about building international networks of support for women and other marginalized communities around the world by incorporating models that focus on financial empowerment, gender equality, regenerative, and sustainable development.

Within the last few years, she has studied and volunteered internationally. She volunteered in rural Guatemala to learn and explore the role of microcredit for artisans, producers, and fair trade farmers. She also studied abroad in Costa Rica to learn Spanish, Creative Leadership, LGBTQ+ History in Latin America and in Thailand to study Social Entrepreneurship and Business.

Among her other passions, Emily is a multimedia artist who loves spending her time learning/reading and traveling/exploring.